He walks the walk and talks the talk. He is the Art of Chicken.
Within the first few minutes of sitting down and talking to Funky Chicken you can tell he is smooth as a brushstroke and dripping with charm.
“At least that's what people tell me”. Funky says with a charismatic grin.
He says there's never a second chance to make a first impression, so he always makes a good one. Known for his impeccable taste, Funky creates pieces of work that are popping with a flavor all his own. The hens love his colorful personality. The chickens admire his creative confidence. It isn't hard to see that he's got being a funky chicken down to a fine art.

Who you calling chicken?
Better known as El Jefe, The Don or The Boss Man, this big bird runs the Art of Chicken outfit. He comes from a long line of capons. His father, Don Pollo, was well known for pecking his way to the top of the poultry crime family in the mid 80's. From working in his father's restaurant as a chick to playing an integral role in the organization, he has had his fair share of cockfights to get where he is today.
The Top Capon in the Bucktown area has recently been in the press for his first foray into the restaurant business. Some say it’s a just a cover, a legitimate front for his real job. We couldn’t get a comment from him about that. However, when asked about The Art of Chicken El Jefe says, “Here everyone is a member of the family. And remember you never takes sides against family, comprende?” We stopped asking questions after that.
They call him Crazy Chico cause he Belongs in the cuckoo's nest.
He's done it again. Crazy Chico busted out of the hen house late last night and stole some golden eggs. The self-titled Pollo Loco is best known for his pranks around town with his flock of fowls. When asked why he insists on ruffling feathers?
“I like to live on the edge. I like to keep the peeps on their toes,” Chico commented.
Some say his brain's gone and flown the coop, well now it seems he has as well. His methods remain a mystery, and the whereabouts of his stash is still unknown. If you have any tips or information about Crazy Chico's whereabouts please call our tip line. This free bird needs to be roosted.